Our group contribution to the Think20 initiative
Our group contributed to the T20 (Think20 Italy 2021) initiative. In particular, we contributed to the "Task Force 5: 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation", with a policy brief titled "SUPPORTING…
Our group contributed to the T20 (Think20 Italy 2021) initiative. In particular, we contributed to the "Task Force 5: 2030 Agenda and Development Cooperation", with a policy brief titled "SUPPORTING…
Prof. Angelo Cavallo just joined our research group. You can find him on the people section.
On the 30th of April 2021 Massimiliano Guerini, Massimo Colombo, and Francesca Enrica Tenca delivered the 7th RISIS Policymakers Session, with a presentation entitled "Democratising access to smart money in…
Our Journal of Industrial and Business Economics just reached Q1 quality on the Scimago Journal Ranking in the category "Economics, Econometrics and Finance (miscellaneous)"!
The website of the observatories of our research group is now online! You can find it here: www.osservatoriefi.it
Evila Piva and Cristina Rossi-Lamastra, with Gary Dushnitsky from London Business School, just published a paper on Strategic Management Journal. The paper studies how platforms mix together their strategic choices and the…
Today, it has been launched the second edition observatory on drones together with the department of Aerospace, Science and Technology. The Observatory was founded in 2019 and is a national reference…
The current COVIID-19 pandemic is as an environmental jolt: an unexpected and disruptive event, which suddenly changes the environment in which firms are accustomed to operate. Jolts affect the overall…
Chiara Franzoni has been awarded the ‘Richard R. Nelson Prize’ for her paper Crowd Science. The organization of scientific research in open collaborative projects < https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048733313001212 >She shared the prize with coauthor Henry Sauermann…