Massimo G. Colombo
Full ProfessorMassimo G. Colombo is Full Professor of Innovation Economics, Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurial Finance. He is Vice-Dean for Research and Rankings of the School of Management. Prof. Colombo is author (or co-author) of numerous books and articles in journals including Science, the Strategic Management Journal, the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, the Journal of Business Venturing, the Journal of Industrial Economics, Research Policy, Small Business Economics, and many others.
The main areas of research of Massimo G. Colombo are the following: entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial finance: founders’ characteristics, start-ups’ organization, external financing (venture capital, crowfunding, debt), entrepreneurial ventures’ post-entry performances, policy in support of high-growth entrepreneruail ventures; alliances, acquisitions and open innovation: alliance governance; implementation of high-tech acquisitions; the diffusion of advanced technologies and organizational innovations.

Chiara Franzoni
Full ProfessorDr. Chiara Franzoni is Full Professor at the School of Management. Her research focuses on Science, Technology, and Entrepreneurship. Dr. Franzoni’s research has been supported by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the DG-Research of the European Commission. She has served in expert panels for policy making in science and technology. Her research has been published in numerous journals including Science, Research Policy, Journal of Management Studies, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Nature Biotechnology, PlosOne, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Franzoni has a long-term interest on the incentives of scientists to conduct research and how these may be altered by policies of science and innovation. She has studied the international mobility of scientists and its implications on research performance and collaboration networks at the individual and team level. In the latest years she has investigated the implications for Science of the emergence of social networks and digital platforms, with a focus on citizens and crowd science, crowdfunding of entrepreneurial ventures and of scientific research projects. Her current research focuses on Peer Review judgments, risk perception and risk-taking of scientists, and on crowd V. expert preferences for risk-taking in research.

Giancarlo Giudici
Full ProfessorGiancarlo Giudici is full Professor of Corporate Finance at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. Adjunct professor at Ton Duc Thang University (Vietnam). Coordinator of the Observatories on Minibond, ESG finance and Crowdinvesting. Coordinator of the Bachelor course in Industrial Production Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Lecco campus. He led a number of research funded by private and public entities on financial topics. His research activity focuses on the financing of corporations and SMEs, capital raising (debt and equity issues), going public (IPOs) and crowdfunding. More recently he opened a new research stream on ESG issues in corporate finance and asset management.

Evila Piva
Full ProfessorEvila Piva is Full Professor of Entrepreneurship at Politecnico di Milano, co-Director of the International Part time MBA and Exchange Programs Director at MIP – Graduate School of Business, Delegate for the Bachelor program in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. She is member of the Italian Association of Managerial Engineering (AiIg) and she has been member of the Strategic Management Society and of the Academy of Management. She has been supervisor or member of the guidance/reading committees of 5 PhD students. She has been involved in the design of teaching courses at MSc, PhD and executive levels and in the organization of 9 conferences, conference tracks or workshops.
The areas of research of Evila Piva include: economics and managerial aspects of crowdfunding with special focus on the strategic decisions and performance of crowdfunding platforms, student and academic entrepreneurship, economics and managerial aspects of collaborations of high-tech start-ups, organizational design of high-tech start-ups, new firm creation and growth. On these topics, she has published more than 30 papers on international peer-reviewed journals. She is associate editor of the Journal of Small Business Management and she is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Industrial and Business Economics.

Cristina Rossi Lamastra
Full ProfessorCristina Rossi-Lamastra is Full Professor of Business and Industrial Economics, doing research in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Organizational Economics. Recently, she has become interested in gender issues in business contexts. She has published in Science, Management Science, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Research Policy, among others. Cristina is Associate Editor of Journal of Small Business Management and of Journal of Industrial and Business Economics. She is member of the Steering Committee of the PhD in Management Engineering and Deputy Director of the Alumni Relations of MIP. She was General Representative at Large of the Interest Group in Entrepreneurship of the SMS and Representative at Large of the Division of Technology and Innovation Management of the AoM. She participate and coordinate national and international projects, like the scientific activities of the project “IN-EUR, Measuring INnovation among EURopean Subregions”.

Annalisa Croce
Associate ProfessorAnnalisa Croce is assocaite professor at Politecnico di Milano. She is author of more than 20 publications in international scientific journals, among which the Journal of Business Venturing, Research Policy, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Corporate Finance, Small Business Economics and Journal of Product Innovation Management among others. She‘s author of 2 publications ranked in the Financial Times FT45 list, 3 publications in journals classified as GOLD* in the AiIG Classification and 10 classified as GOLD.
Her research activity has concerned several major research areas, spanning topics that include corporate and entrepreneurial finance, corporate governance and economics of innovation. She has studied these topics mainly empirically, making use of a wide range of empirical methodologies. More specifically, her studies have addressed the following topics: firms’ financing constraints and innovation investments; analysis of different types of venture capital financing and the economic, financial and innovative performance of invested firms; the investment strategies, characteristics and evaluation process of business angels (solo angels and angel groups) and the performance of invested firms.
You can find her CV here.

Massimiliano Guerini
Associate ProfessorMassimiliano Guerini is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano and Director of the Full Time MBA at MIP – Graduate School of Business. His scientific activity is mainly in the area of Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Finance, and University-Industry Linkages. His research has been published in numerous journals including Journal of Business Venturing, California Management Review, Journal of Corporate Finance, Research Policy, and Small Business Economics. Massimiliano has participated in numerous research projects, promoted by the European Union, firms and public institutions.
Much of Massimiliano Guerini’s research focuses on the role of entrepreneurial finance in supporting entrepreneurial activity and the performance of entrepreneurial ventures. He has studied whether and how different financing sources for start-ups (e.g., venture capital, angel financing, crowdfunding) contribute to the removal of innovative start-ups’ financial constraints, as well as the implications for entrepreneurial activity of governmental initiatives. He has also investigated the role of universities for the emergence of local entrepreneurial ecosystems. His full publication list is available in the curriculum vitae.

Vincenzo Butticè
Assistant ProfessorVincenzo Butticè is assistant professor in entrepreneurial finance at the School of Management of Politecnico di Milano. Vincenzo has been a visiting scholar at the Copenhagen Business School, at the Indiana University Purdue University of Indiana, and at ShanghaiTech University. He is member of the Italian Association of Managerial Engineering (AiIG), the Strategic Management Society and of the Academy of Management. He has been involved in the design of teaching courses at MSc and executive level and in the organization of 5 conferences, conference tracks or workshops. He teaches Entrepreneurial Finance at MIP.
Vincenzo’s main research interests are in the area of entrepreneurial finance, particularly on crowdfunding, drivers of campaign success and post-campaign performance. Vincenzo’s research is based on the analysis of large databases. He typically combines machine learning and natural language processing techniques with econometric analysis.

Angelo Cavallo
Junior Assistant ProfessorAngelo Cavallo, Ph.D. is Assistant Professor at Politecnico di Milano. His main research areas include Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy. Since 2019, he is core faculty member at the MIP Graduate School of Business Politecnico di Milano, where he serves as Director of the International Master in Innovation and Entrepreneurship. He is author of journal articles – appearing in outlets such as Technovation, Journal of Business Research, Technological Forecasting, and Social Change – book chapters, and conference proceedings.
In 2020, he founded the Space Economy Observatory, a permanent and applied research program on the emerging innovation trend of the space economy. Currently, he operates as Director of the Space Economy Observatory and as an external advisor for both startup companies and large organizations willing to innovate and scale their business models by leveraging new technologies.

Matteo Conti
Postdoctoral researcherConti Matteo is a Junior Researcher at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management Engineering since 2022. His research interests cover the topics of Equity Crowdfunding. He is currently working in the Crowd Investing Observatory on a research project aiming to update the Italian equity crowdfunding index. He holds a MSc in Finance at Politecnico di Milano.

Chris Hesselbein
Postdoctoral researcherChris Hesselbein is an ethnographer who studies how knowledge and technology, both digital and more mundane, are co-constructed with conceptions of social order and self-identity. Chris is particularly interested in exploring how the production and consumption of technoscience inform, and often naturalize/normalize, our understandings of embodiment, materiality, and aesthetics. His dissertation research focused on the co-construction of gender and technology in the world of fashion through the wearing and making of high-heeled footwear. Other research projects examine how (expert) knowledge is established as (un)authoritative in digital spaces, and how ‘alternative arti/facts’ are enacted on digital platforms through algorithmic processes. He is about to receive his PhD from the department of Science and Technology Studies at Cornell University, and has just started a postdoc in the Department of Management, Economics, and Industrial Engineering at the Politecnico di Milano.

Alessandro Lucini Paioni
Postdoctoral researcherAlessandro Lucini Paioni is a postdoctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano, School of Management. He successfully defended his PhD thesis in April at the University of Bath, School of Management, and was a visiting scholar at Indiana University, O’Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs. In his doctoral dissertation Alessandro investigated the patterns and effects of reconfiguration undertaken by new firms, analysing secondary data provided by the Central Bureau of Statistics Netherlands. Currently, his work focuses on nascent industries, exploring their peculiar industrial dynamics. His research interests also cover the topics of firm survival, growth strategies, and innovation.

Benedetta Montanaro
Postdoctoral ResearcherBenedetta Montanaro is a postdoctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano School of Management. She received her PhD in 2022 through a joint doctoral program between Politecnico di Milano School of Management and University of Ghent (Belgium), where she joined the Department of Accounting, Corporate Finance and Taxation. She holds her bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Management Engineering (Politecnico di Milano). During her master’s degree, she spent a semester at Technische Universität Berlin, Germany. She is member of the Italian Association of Management Engineering (AiIG).
Benedetta’s main research area is Entrepreneurial Finance. In her doctoral dissertation, Benedetta focused on investigating the determinants of entrepreneurial ventures’ valuation, in particular examining the path-dependency nature of valuation, i.e. how ventures’ decision to go through a particular deal impacts valuation in future financial events. Her research interests also cover VC financing, acquisition and equity crowdfunding.

Daniela Silvestri
Postdoctoral researcherDaniela Silvestri is a post-doctoral researcher at Politecnico di Milano since 2020. She received her PhD in 2017 through a joint doctoral program between the Faculty of Business and Economics at KU Leuven and IMT Lucca. After her PhD, she worked on a project dealing with open innovation and startups engagement methods supported by the Ford’s research center of Aachen. Prior to joining Polimi, she worked at Ca’ Foscari University on a project supported by the EPO Academic Research Programme investigating the evolution of the knowledge base of the automotive industry over the last decades. Broadly speaking, her research interests lie in the area of economics of innovation and she extensively work with patent data. She is also interested in technology development and innovation strategies mostly within the pharmaceutical and the automotive industry. Her current research is tackling topics within the field of high-tech acquisitions and innovation focusing in particular on the impact of SMEs’ acquisitions on innovation in the life science industry.

Matteo Ambrois
PhD StudentMatteo Ambrois is a PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2022.
His research interests are mainly related to Entrepreneurial Finance, with particular attention to sustainability and green issues in Private Equity and Venture Capital. He also collaborates with the Politecnico di Torino on issues related to Business Angels and Venture Capital.

Martina Barbaglia
PHD STUDENTMartina Barbaglia is a PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2020.
Her main research interests are in the area of environmental and sustainable finance, with a focus on ESG investing and the interconnection between finance and climate change.

Roberto Bianchini
PHD STUDENTRoberto Bianchini is a PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2017. He received his MA in Financial Economics from Leuven School of Economics, Belgium. His main research interests are in the areas of empirical and corporate finance, energy and environmental finance and regulatory economics. He has authored articles and book chapters during his academic and professional activities

Fabio Busicchia
PHD STUDENTFabio Busicchia is a PhD Student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2020. His research interests are mainly related to technology and management.
Fabio’s main areas concern Innovation and Industrial Dynamics, with a specific focus on the adoption of drones in the logistics industry.

Cecilia D’Agostino
PHD STUDENTCecilia is a PhD Student at the department of Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2021.
With an Economics background, her research focuses on startups’ access to financial resources to enhance their business and grow. In particular, she is conducting a field experiment on startups’ fundraising strategies and she is carrying out a study on startups’ characteristics and their access to external equity finance.

Julian Giessing
PhD studentJulian is an Executive PhD candidate in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano. Julian has a background as founder and VC investor. He is the Managing Director of a Distressed Venture Capital Firm based in Berlin.
Julian focusses on investigating special phenomena in entrepreneurial finance such as venture debt, startup downrounds, and consequences of staged financing. Julian holds a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Mannheim and a Master’s in Economics from New York University.

Jie Li
PHD STUDENTJie is a PhD student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2019. Her research focuses on the gender gap in entrepreneurial finance.
Her main research interests are related to the factors that originate a gender gap in entrepreneurial finance and hamper access by women to external finance through different channels; Moreover, the research aims at identifying policy measures that contrast and alleviate the gender gap in this aspect, allowing female entrepreneurs to get fair access to financial capital and enhance the performance of their ventures.

Omar Mazzucchelli
PHD STUDENTOmar Mazzucchelli is a PhD student in Management engineering, graduated with honours in Labor Management and Communication for Organizations (LM-88, Sociology and Social Research). He is also involved in the European Entrepreneurship for Women in Technology (WITECH) project.
Master of Science: Labor management and Communication for Organizations, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.
Bachelor of Science: Political Sciences and International Relations, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore.

Alessandra Migliore
PhD studentAlessandra is a PhD student, enrolled in the interdisciplinary doctoral program between the department of Architecture, Built environment and Construction Engineering and the department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering. Her research focuses on collaborative spaces for entrepreneurship and innovation. In particular, she is interested in new collaborative and hybrid spaces for workplaces and how these spaces impact workers knowledge sharing, innovation, creativity and equality.

Nico Rosamilia
PHD STUDENTNico Rosamilia is a Ph.D. student in Management Engineering at Politecnico di Milano since 2021. His research interests are mainly related to Behavioral Finance and Green Finance. His research aims to shed light on the need of using advanced methodologies to assess the scoring in the environmental sustainability of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).